FACOM tools are high quality, safe, ergonomic, and can be relied upon!
FACOM tools are innovative and are adapted to your working conditions. They are tested under even the most severe conditions to ensure the highest quality of the instruments!

FACOM goal is clear: to win recognition, in each professional sector, as the manufacturer capable of ensuring the quality of production, the capacity of innovation and guarantee of service tailored to each business.
This evolution allows the reconciliation of human progress, by reducing strenuous work, with industrial progress, by improving the quality of the products.
In 1983, FACOM was ranked as Europe’s leading hand tools manufacturer (9% market share), holding third place globally. FACOM adventure is not over. From now on it will be able to continue the path laid down by the company’s founders: to produce quality tools, innovate in all areas to stay at the forefront, ensure human progress in their workplace.